The myth of Islamic terrorism in Europe & USA

These days it's hard to get away from hearing about Islamic terrorists being over here in the west, with their evil agenda of killing or converting everyone to Islam. We always hear how 90% of terrorists are Muslim. Thinking back to my younger days, the picture was totally different. In the 1970's and 1980's there was plenty of terrorism to go around. There were "red army" groups all across Europe, left wing groups in the USA, and the FLQ here in Canada.

Islamic terrorism in the west was totally unheard of, except in Hollywood, where the terrorists were usually inept, and would get their butts kicked by Chuck Norris or someone like him. What changed? Thinking about that question led me to looking into international police reports from two agencies that have kept good records on terrorism in both Europe and the U.S. and the hard facts are very surprising indeed.

Europol Report of Europe:

In Europe there is Europol, essentially serving the function of the Interpol, who have kept a good database since 2006. Looking through the annual reports it became quickly obvious that the 90% figure was more than a bit off. From the period of 2006-2011 there were a total of 4441 terrorism related arrests and detentions, of which 1056 were Islamic. A figure of about 24%. There were further numbers however, ones that showed that many of these were only on suspicion, and in fact, most were never charged, and of those that were charged a very high percentage (35%) were exonerated. In fact, only 55 Muslims were found to be directly related to terrorist attacks during that period. Eropol's database tracked a total of 2313 terrorist incidents during that same period.

By incidents, they include foiled and failed attacks as well as successful ones. And in Europe the main threats are:
  • Separatist movements. 1860 of 2313 incidents were conducted by mainly Basque separatists in France and Spain. The IRA also fits in this group.
  • Left wing and Anarchist groups. 226 incidents. These are the remnants of the old communist movements.
  • 128 incidents are listed as other. This is the "lone wolf" nut jobs, or ones that do not fit another category.
  • 74 incidents unclassified because they are not sure whether to include as terrorism. Most of these are racially motivated attacks on Gypsies in Eastern Europe.
  • 9 Classified as single issue such as animal rights.

Islamic terrorism also 9 incidents. That's right only 9. It works out to 0.39%. That's not just the big ones, here's an example of how minor some incidents are:
  • On 1 January 2010, a 28-year-old Somali, linked to the radical Islamist organisation al-Shabab, attempted to kill the Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard.
FBI Report of USA:
The FBI in the US shows similar historic trends, Islamic terrorism is also very recent there, and on a list of actual attacks a grand total of about 6% between the years 1980-2005. The data there has not actually been broken down into numbers, only kept in list form. The trend however, remains the same. Most attacks are conducted by separatists in Puerto Rico, the next largest group are the left wing radicals, followed by the right wing groups (including kkk), even ahead of the Islamic groups is the Jewish Defence League at 7%. The difference there is the 9/11 attacks, which are like the proverbial 10 ton elephant in the room. If not for that and the earlier bombing of the WTC, Islamic terrorism would barely even register in the US.

Source Material:
About Writer:
James Powell is 43 years old, born and raised in Calgary, Canada. And after some deep questioning entered Islam in March 2013.


  1. we are muslims not terrorists; it's really true

  2. Islam's use of terrorism is the result of its intolerance for non-muslims.

  3. And the other way round non-muslim's use of terrorism is the result of its intolerance for Muslims. So, no one's perfect.

  4. Everything is terrorists.

  5. good research, Islam is best religion, which believes in brotherhood and equality.

  6. I'm a Muslim and I'm not a terrorist :)

  7. Whoever in their right mind thinks that all muslims are terrorists, need to get a reality check. In the word of one turian, "All you humans are racists"

  8. It's what trolls are made to believe and trolls will believe absolutely anything, thick, pathetic, uneducated and just plain retarded. Look at all the irish terrorists a while quickly were they forgotten about? Everything is just an illusion to these retards who think all muslims are terrorists..and I'll say it again, all you humans are racist :)

  9. Wow, not all Muslims are terrorists?? Amazing. I notice how none of your statements or any in the article above do anything to address events such as the recent attack on bengazhi's US embassy or the recent attack on a British soldier by two Muslims recorded by bystanders in a London neighborhood. Why not? It is easy to point to incidents and other terrorists acts committed by Communists, Irish Catholics, & "white power" groups because you DON'T HAVE to look at yourselves. Where was peace and brotherhood when Sunnis were killing Shia in Baghdad? Were was it when Taliban fighters were killing Afghan soldier (along with other) coalition forces in Afghanistan? Where was your religion of peace when a Pakistani girl had acid thrown on her by her family for seeking an education? I am completely aware of the brutalities committed throughout history by people calling themselves Christians. I do not deny these things have happened. I suggest you all do the same and look inward to solve your problems of the world's perception of you. You people should not waste time and energy telling yourselves that Islam is ok when you have murderers in your midst using Islam to defend everything they do. Pull your heads out of the fucking sand and do something about these savages! The middle east was once the cradle of civilization. Now it's a cesspool of hate for anyone who doesn't pray facing Mecca five times a day. And yeah, I've been there (Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar). Understand one thing: the only way ANY of you Muslims and/ or Muslim sympathizers will get the rest of the FREE, non-Sharia Law governed world to buy into your "message of peace & understanding" is if you clean up your own houses and stop killing the rest of us! Until that happens,you will all be viewed as nothing more than savages worshiping a giant cube in the middle of the desert. Once all the oil and natural gas is gone, your religious homeland will be of no use to the rest of the world. Will you still be relevant then? Or will you all be cast into the dustbin of history, just like all those children in Beslan, Russia, who were killed by...who, again? Oh yeah, Chechan MUSLIMS. Go F$@k yourselves. Sincerely, an American who does not listen to conservative radio or watch Fox news, just an average guy who served his country that's tired of all your whiny Muslim bulls&:t.

    1. One veteran to another...Well said brother.

    2. It is not Islam that involves is the kind of people who do the terrorism that are "Muslims"

    3. "We decreed for the children of Israel that whoever kills a person... it would be as if he has killed the whole of humankind, and whoever saves the life of a person it is as if he has saved the life of the whole of humankind. Our Messengers have already come to them with the clear signs; then many of them thereafter commit excesses in the earth.”
      - Prophet Muhammed

  10. All Muslims are not terrorists, but all terrorists are muslims!
    We don't know whatever ur quran says, prophet preaches, mullas tell, but act of violence by Muslims is totally unstoppable. Look at Indian Muslims, for the sake of sake some muslim extremists, they are seen as untouchables in Indian society. They suffer from police harassment there!
