She decided to embrace Islam because of Donald Trump’s Hateful Rhetoric

I am sure that you have already read the story of Lisa A. Shanklin who has recently accept Islam as her religion due to the hate speech of Donald Trump against Muslims one year ago. The story of Lisa A. Shanklin is viral on social media specifically on Facebook.

Lisa A. Shanklin has not studied Quran until she comes to know about the hateful rhetoric against Muslim by Trump a year ago which lead her to start reading Quran.
It was Trump's hateful rhetoric that led me a year ago to pick up the Quran (I hadn't read since studying comparative religions at university) and study it closely.

Even after that, she starts interacting with Muslims which lead her to embrace Islam.
This led me to begin interacting with Muslims, and eventually to embracing Islam for myself. For that, I am so thankful.

Yes, she did it on her own.

She will officially start wearing Hijab on same day when Donald Trump will be inaugurated as President.
I have now decided that on Inauguration Day: January 20, 2017; I will begin wearing hijab in public at all times. I will PROUDLY wear hijab and I will call people out on their bigotry of all kinds privately and publicly!

In her Facebook status, she also aimed to stand against hate of any kind towards others and she also refused to wear the Muslim badge which Trump wants from Muslim to wear.
I will stand against HATE of any kind towards others. Trump won't need to give me a badge to wear.

This does not happen first time in America when people start reading Quran after hate speech against Muslims and Islam. Remembered after 9/11 when media label Islam as a terrorist religion and start calling Muslims extremist? America becomes the country with most conversion rate. Approximately about 20,000 people embraced Islam after 9/11 due to hate speech against Muslims which lead them to start reading Quran to understand the real facts.

Here you can read her full post on Facebook:

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